Ancient Times Materials for Writing عہد قدیم کے لکھائی کے ذرائع

In ancient times, people used a variety of materials for writing, including parchment, papyrus, wooden tablets, and stone or clay tablets.

Parchment was made from animal skin and was used to write both scrolls and codex-style books.

Papyrus was made from the pith of the papyrus plant and was used to create scrolls and smaller documents such as letters and contracts.

Wooden tablets were made by cutting a piece of wood and hollowing out the center to create a flat surface, which was then coated with wax. These tablets could be used to create both individual documents and longer works.

Stone and clay tablets were also used as a writing surface in ancient times. Clay tablets were inscribed with cuneiform writing and were used in Mesopotamia, while stone tablets were used in ancient Egypt and other parts of the world.

In addition to parchment, papyrus, wooden tablets, and stone or clay tablets, there were several other materials that were used for writing in ancient times, including:

  • Palm leaves: In some parts of the world, such as India and Southeast Asia, palm leaves were used as a writing surface. These leaves were cut into thin strips and then inscribed with writing using a sharp instrument. The strips were then tied together to create a book.
  • Silk: Silk was used as a writing surface in ancient China, where it was considered a luxurious and prestigious material. Silk was used to create both individual documents and longer works such as histories and novels.
  • Metal: Metal plates, such as those made of bronze or gold, were used as a writing surface in some ancient cultures. These plates were inscribed with writing using a sharp instrument, and were often used for important documents or records.
  • Glass: In some parts of the ancient world, such as Egypt, glass was used as a writing surface. Glass was inscribed with writing using a sharp instrument, and was often used for important documents or records.

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