Ch. Bakht Yar Zafar
ch Bakht yar zafar
Ch. Bakht Yar Zafar

Mission & Vision

Voice of Libraries (VOL) mission is to help the Students, Professional and LIS related people. VOL leads the Library and Information Science (LIS) community in professional development and instigate overall research activities. It provides opportunities to exchange information, best practices and values of libraries and librarians. Transforming librarian “teacher of teachers” and advancing libraries according to international standards.

اپنی دُنیا آپ پیدا کر اگر زِندوں میں ہے

سرِّ آدم ہے، ضمیر کُن فکاں ہے زندگی 


Library science is the study of the organization, management, and use of libraries and library resources. 

It involves the application of knowledge and skills from various fields such as information science, computer science, sociology, and management to the organization and management of library collections, services, and facilities. Studies in library science typically cover topics such as cataloging, classification, reference services, information literacy, and library management.

Library science books are books that provide information and guidance on the organization, 

management, and use of libraries and library resources. They can cover a wide range of topics, including cataloging, classification, reference services, information literacy, library management, and the history of libraries. Some library science books may focus on specific areas of library science, such as children’s literature, academic libraries, or digital libraries. They can be written for librarians, library students, or anyone interested in the field of library science.

Library science articles are scholarly articles that provide in-depth analysis and research on various aspects of 

library science. These articles are typically written by librarians, library science professors, or other experts in the field and are published in library science journals or conference proceedings. They can cover a wide range of topics, such as new library technologies, changes in library policies and procedures, or the impact of library services on communities. These articles are often based on original research and include literature reviews, data analysis, and case studies. They are intended for an audience of library professionals, library science students, and researchers in the field of library science.

Library service rules are the policies and procedures established by a library to govern the use 

of its resources and facilities. These rules are put in place to ensure that the library’s resources are used in a responsible and efficient manner, and that the library is able to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all patrons. Examples of library service rules may include regulations on the use of library materials, such as rules on borrowing and returning items, or rules on the use of library facilities, such as rules on noise levels or food and drink. Library service rules may also include guidelines for computer use, internet access, and other services offered by the library. These rules are generally posted and made available for the patrons to read and abide by.

Library science abbreviations are shortened forms of words or phrases that are commonly used in 

the field of library science. They are used as a shorthand way of referring to specific terms or concepts and can make it easier for library professionals and researchers to communicate with one another. Some examples of library science abbreviations include:

  • AACR2: Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition
  • LIS: Library and Information Science
  • MARC: Machine-Readable Cataloging
  • OCLC: Online Computer Library Center
  • RDA: Resource Description and Access
  • LCSH: Library of Congress Subject Headings
  • DDC: Dewey Decimal Classification

These abbreviations may be used in library catalogs, bibliographies, research papers, and other library science documents. It is important to note that different libraries and organizations may use different abbreviations, and that it’s important to check the full meaning of an abbreviation before using it.

A library science glossary is a list of terms and definitions commonly used in the field of library scie

nce. It serves as a reference tool for library professionals, library science students, and researchers in the field of library science. These glossaries can include terms related to various aspects of library science, such as cataloging, classification, reference services, information literacy, and library management. They can also include terms related to specific areas of library science, such as children’s literature, academic libraries, or digital libraries. The glossary can also include technical terms, acronyms and specialized expressions that are used in the library science field, so that people can have a better understanding of the field and communicate more effectively with others in the field.

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ch Bakht yar zafar
Prof. Ch. Bakht Yar Zafar


Prof. Faizan Irfan


Ch. Akram Mukhtar


Mr. Haroon Kamal


Ch. Muhammd Nazir



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