Questions & Answer

When was the first public library established in Greece?یونان میں پہلی پبلک لائبریری کب قائم ہوئی؟

It is difficult to determine exactly when the first public library was established in Greece, as records from this time period are limited. However, libraries were an important part of Greek culture and society, and it is likely that public libraries existed in some form in ancient Greece. The Library of Alexandria, which was founded in the 3rd century BC, was one of the most famous libraries of the ancient world, and it is considered to be one of the first public libraries in history. The library was founded by the Ptolemaic dynasty, which ruled Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great, and it was intended to be a center of learning and scholarship. The library was destroyed in the 3rd or 2nd century BC, and its collections were lost, but it remains an important symbol of the importance of libraries and learning in ancient Greek society.

When was the first public library established in Greece?یونان میں پہلی پبلک لائبریری کب قائم ہوئی؟ Read More »

Who established the first private library in Greece?یونان میں پہلی نجی لائبریری کس نے قائم کی؟

Private libraries were relatively uncommon in ancient Greece, as books were expensive and difficult to produce. Most libraries in ancient Greece were public institutions, funded by the state or by wealthy individuals. However, it is possible that some wealthy individuals in ancient Greece may have had personal collections of books in their homes. It is not known who the first person to establish a private library in Greece was, but it would have likely been a wealthy individual with a passion for learning and a desire to collect books. Private libraries became more common in ancient Rome, and it is likely that the first private libraries in Greece were inspired by the libraries of Rome.

Who established the first private library in Greece?یونان میں پہلی نجی لائبریری کس نے قائم کی؟ Read More »

When and where was the first library established in Greece?یونان میں پہلی لائبریری کب اور کہاں قائم ہوئی؟

The first library in Greece is believed to have been established in the city of Alexandria, in Egypt, in the 3rd century BC. The Library of Alexandria was one of the most famous libraries of the ancient world, and it is said to have contained hundreds of thousands of scrolls. The library was founded by the Ptolemaic dynasty, which ruled Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great. It was intended to be a center of learning and scholarship, and it attracted scholars and intellectuals from all over the Mediterranean world. The library was destroyed in the 3rd or 2nd century BC, and its collections were lost, but it remains an important symbol of the importance of libraries and learning in ancient Greek society.

When and where was the first library established in Greece?یونان میں پہلی لائبریری کب اور کہاں قائم ہوئی؟ Read More »

What was the number of the discovered material in Asurbanipal Library?اشوربنیپال لائبریری میں دریافت شدہ مواد کی تعداد کیا تھی؟

The library of King Assurbanipal, also known as the Library of Nineveh, contained thousands of clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform script. These tablets contained a wide range of texts, including literature, laws, and scientific works. The exact number of tablets discovered in the library is not clear, but it is estimated to have been around 30,000 tablets. The library was a major achievement in the field of archaeology and a valuable resource for scholars studying the ancient Near East. The tablets have provided valuable insights into the history, culture, and daily life of the ancient Mesopotamians, and have helped to shed light on the development of writing and literature in the ancient world.

What was the number of the discovered material in Asurbanipal Library?اشوربنیپال لائبریری میں دریافت شدہ مواد کی تعداد کیا تھی؟ Read More »

When did the archaeologist discover the Assurbanipal Library?

The library of King Assurbanipal, also known as the Library of Nineveh, was discovered by the British archaeologist Austen Henry Layard in the mid-19th century. Layard conducted excavations at the ancient city of Nineveh, in what is now modern-day Iraq, from 1845 to 1851. During these excavations, he uncovered the remains of the royal palace of King Assurbanipal, who ruled the Assyrian Empire in the 7th century BC. Within the palace, Layard discovered a library containing thousands of clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform script. These tablets contained a wide range of texts, including literature, laws, and scientific works. The discovery of the Assurbanipal Library was a major achievement in the field of archaeology and a valuable resource for scholars studying the ancient Near East.

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Where did the first library of world originate from?دنیا کی پہلی لائبریری کہاں سے شروع ہوئی؟

The first libraries of the world can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. The ancient Mesopotamians, who lived in what is now modern-day Iraq, are believed to have created the first libraries around 2500 BC. These libraries were collections of clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform script, which were used for record-keeping, literature, and scholarship. The tablets were stored in temples, palaces, and other public buildings, and were used by scribes and scholars to consult and copy texts.

The ancient Egyptians also had libraries, which were collections of papyrus scrolls that contained texts on a variety of subjects, including literature, science, and mathematics. These scrolls were stored in temple libraries and in the libraries of the wealthy. The ancient Greeks and Romans also had libraries, which were important centers of learning and scholarship in their societies. The Library of Alexandria, in Egypt, was one of the most famous libraries of the ancient world, and it is said to have contained hundreds of thousands of scrolls.

Where did the first library of world originate from?دنیا کی پہلی لائبریری کہاں سے شروع ہوئی؟ Read More »

Where the word library come from and what does it mean?

The word “library” comes from the Latin word “libraria,” which means “collection of books.” The word “liber” means “book,” so a “libraria” was a place where books were collected and stored. The word “library” has been in use in the English language since the 16th century to refer to a collection of books or other written or printed works. Today, the word is used to refer to a wide range of information resources, including not just books, but also magazines, films, music, documents, and digital materials. In general, a library is a place where these resources are made available to the public or to a specific group of users for borrowing or reference.

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What should be the purpose of a library?لائبریری کا مقصد کیا ہونا چاہیے؟

The purpose of a library is to provide access to information and knowledge to the community it serves. This can include a wide range of materials, such as books, magazines, films, music, and documents, in physical or digital form. Libraries may also offer additional services, such as research assistance, educational programs, and community events, in order to support learning and personal growth. The ultimate goal of a library is to promote literacy, education, and the free exchange of ideas, and to serve as a center for cultural and intellectual activity within the community.

What should be the purpose of a library?لائبریری کا مقصد کیا ہونا چاہیے؟ Read More »

What is library? Define in your on words?لائبریری کیا ہے؟ اپنے الفاظ میں وضاحت کریں؟

A library is a collection of physical or digital resources, such as books, magazines, films, music, and documents, that are made available to the public or a specific group of users for borrowing or reference. Libraries may be operated by governments, schools, universities, or other organizations, and their purpose is to provide access to information and knowledge for the benefit of the community. Some libraries also offer additional services, such as research assistance, educational programs, and community events.

What is library? Define in your on words?لائبریری کیا ہے؟ اپنے الفاظ میں وضاحت کریں؟ Read More »

Name the various types of information required by a user in the field of information science?انفارمیشن سائنس کے شعبے میں صارف کو درکار مختلف قسم کی معلومات کے نام بتائیں؟

There are many different types of information that a user in the field of information science may be interested in, including:

  1. Bibliographic information: This includes information about books, articles, and other published materials, such as the author, title, publisher, and date of publication.
  2. Statistical data: This type of information includes numerical data that can be used to describe, summarize, and analyze trends or patterns.
  3. Legal information: This can include information about laws, regulations, and legal cases that are relevant to a particular field or topic.
  4. Technical information: This type of information includes detailed descriptions and explanations of technical concepts, processes, and technologies.
  5. Historical information: This includes information about past events, people, and places that can provide context and background for understanding current events or trends.
  6. Geographical information: This includes information about the physical and cultural characteristics of different places, as well as maps and other spatial data.
  7. Demographic information: This includes information about the characteristics of different populations, such as age, gender, race, and income level.
  8. Financial information: This includes information about financial markets, companies, and investment opportunities.
  9. Scientific and research information: This includes information about scientific theories, experiments, and research findings in a particular field or discipline.
  10. Cultural and artistic information: This includes information about the arts, humanities, and cultural traditions of different societies.

Name the various types of information required by a user in the field of information science?انفارمیشن سائنس کے شعبے میں صارف کو درکار مختلف قسم کی معلومات کے نام بتائیں؟ Read More »