
Where from the word paper was adopted ?کاغذ کا لفظ کہاں سے اختیار کیا گیا؟

The word “paper” comes from the Latin word “papyrus,” which was the name of a type of paper made in ancient Egypt. Papyrus paper was made from the pith of the papyrus plant, a reed that grew along the Nile River. The pith was cut into thin strips and laid out in overlapping layers, then pressed and dried to create a smooth surface for writing.

The word “papyrus” was eventually adopted into English and other languages and came to refer to any type of paper, regardless of the material it was made from. Today, paper can be made from a variety of materials, including wood pulp, cotton, linen, and other plant fibers.

Where from the word paper was adopted ?کاغذ کا لفظ کہاں سے اختیار کیا گیا؟ Read More »


An index is a list of words or phrases and the corresponding page numbers where those words or phrases can be found in a book, document, or other text. An index is typically found at the end of a book or document and is used to help readers find specific information quickly and easily. An index may also include cross-references, which are references to other places in the text where related or additional information can be found.

In addition to being a useful tool for readers, an index can also be an important part of the writing process. When creating an index, writers must carefully review their work and identify the key concepts and terms that are discussed in the text. They must then decide how these concepts and terms should be organized and listed in the index. This process can help writers clarify their own thinking about the content of their work and make it easier for readers to understand and follow the argument or discussion.

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