What is tacit knowledge?

Tacit knowledge is knowledge that is implicit, unconscious, and difficult to express in words. It is often acquired through experience and practice, and it is often tied to specific individuals or contexts. Tacit knowledge is often contrasted with explicit knowledge, which is knowledge that is consciously held and can be easily articulated.

Examples of tacit knowledge include practical skills and techniques, intuitive insights, and other types of knowledge that are difficult to formalize or codify. Tacit knowledge is often difficult to transfer or share, because it is not always easy to capture and express in a form that can be understood by others. However, it can be an important source of creativity, innovation, and expertise within an organization or group.

Some ways in which organizations can try to capture and share tacit knowledge include encouraging collaboration and mentorship, creating opportunities for experiential learning, and using tools such as knowledge maps and expert networks.

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