Explain the characteristics of UDC?

UDC, or Universal Decimal Classification, is a system for organizing and classifying library materials based on their subject matter. It has several characteristics that distinguish it from other classification systems:

  1. Decimal notation: UDC uses a system of decimal numbers to represent the various categories and subcategories into which library materials are organized. Each number represents a different category or subclass, and the relationships between the categories are indicated by the placement of the numbers.
  2. Hierarchical structure: UDC is organized in a hierarchical manner, with broader categories being divided into increasingly specific subcategories. This allows for a high degree of specificity and detail in the classification of materials.
  3. Flexibility: UDC is designed to be flexible, so that it can accommodate new subjects and changes in knowledge over time. It allows for the addition of new categories and subcategories as needed, and provides guidelines for the assignment of materials to these categories.
  4. International scope: UDC is intended to be used on a global scale, and is designed to be applicable to a wide range of materials in a variety of languages. It includes categories and subcategories that are relevant to a wide range of subjects and disciplines.
  5. Comprehensiveness: UDC is a comprehensive classification system that covers a wide range of subjects, including the sciences, the humanities, and the arts. It is designed to provide a detailed and systematic way of organizing and classifying library materials.

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