LIS Studies

Business Research Methods – MCQs  

104 Business Research Methods – MCQs  

1) Process of obtaining a numerical description of the extent to which a person or object possesses  some characteristics  

  1. a) Measurement b) Scaling c) Questionnaire d) Interview  2) Measurement that involves monitoring a respondent’s involuntary responses to marketing stimuli  via the use of electrodes and other equipment is called  
  2. a) Projective Techniques b) Physiological measures  
  3. c) Depth Interviews d) Multi-dimensional Scales  

3) Validity that reflect whether a scale performs as expected in relation to other variables selected  as meaningful criteriacriteria  

  1. a) Criterian-related Validity b) Content Validity  
  2. c) Construct validity d) Convergent Validity  

4) Scale that indicates the relative position of two or more objects or some characteristics is called  A) Ranking Scale b) Ordinal Scale c) Arbitrary Scale d) Ratio Scale  5) Method that involves the selection of items by a panel of judges on the basis of their relevance,  the potential for ambiguity, and the level of the attitude they represent  

  1. a) Cumulative scale b) Arbitrary Scale  
  2. c) Item Analysis d) Consensus Scaling  

6) Even numbered non-verbal rating scale using single adjectives instead of bipolar opposites is  called  

  1. a) Semantic Differential b) Multi-dimensional scaling  
  2. c) Stapel Scale d) Standardised Instruments  

7) Instrument’s ability to accurately measure variability in stimuli or response is known as  a) Sensitivity b) Practicality c) Generalisablity d) Economy  8) 7-point rating scale with end-points associated with bipolar labels that have semantic meaning is  a) Semantic differential scale b) Constant Sum Scale  

  1. c) Graphic Rating Scale d) Likert Scale  

9) Scale in which the respondent directly compares two or more objects and makes choices among  them is  

  1. a) Ranking Scale b) Rating Scale c) Graphic Scale d) None of these  10) Scales where respondent is asked to rate an item in comparison with another item or a  group of items each other based on a common criterion is  
  2. a) Method of paired comparison b) Forced Ranking  
  3. c) Constant Sum Scale d) All of the above  

11) Original source from which researcher directly collects the data that has not been previously  collected  

  1. a) Primary data b) Secondary Data c) Tertiary Data d) None of these  12) Technique in which the respondents and/or the clients communicate and/or observe by use  of the internet  
  2. a) Online Ethnography b) Online Interview 
  3. c) Online Questionnaire d) Online Focus Group  

13) Issue to be considered for the secondary data include which of the following a)  Sufficiency b) Reliability c) Suitability d) All of the above  

14) Method that involves recording the behavioural pattern of people, objects and events in a  systematic manner to obtain information about the phenomenon of interest  a) Observation b) Online Survey c) Schedules d) Warranty Cards  

15) Technique that allow several members of a hiring company to interview a job candidate at  the same time is  

  1. a) Panel Interview b) Self administered interview  
  2. c) Mail Interview d) Electronic Interview  

17) Qualitative methods are probably the oldest of all the scientific techniques, the method of  qualitative research is:  

  1. a) Questionnaire b) Attitude Scales c) Depth Interview d) Observation  18) In validity of measurement scales, validity can be measured through several methods like  a) Content b) Criterion c) Construct d) All of the above  19) The test of reliability is an important test of sound measurement. The methods to evaluate  reliability of scales are:  
  2. a) Convergent b) Delegating measurement strategies  
  3. c) Split-Halves Method d) None of the above  

20) The most common scales used in research are  

  1. a) Nominal b) Ratio c) Ordinal d) All of the above  21) In scale construction technique, scale can be developed by  
  2. a) Ratio Scale b) Cumulative Scale c) Nominal scale d) Ordinal scale  22) The criteria for good scale is developed by  
  3. a) Reliability b) Practicability c) Sensitivity d) All of the above  24) The main problem in questionnaire is  
  4. a) Accessible to Diverse Respondent  
  5. b) Greater Anonymity  
  6. c) Shows an inability of respondent to provide information  
  7. d) None of these  

25) Electronic interview can be conducted by:  

  1. a) Telephonic b) Fax c) Personal d) All of the above  

Ans:  1) a 2) b 3)a 4)b 5)d 6)c 7)a 8)a 9)a 10)b 11)a 12)d 13)d 14)a 15)a 16)b 17)c 18)d 19)c  20)d  

21)b 22)d 23)a 24)c 25)b 

1) Define the correct sequence in the stage of sampling:  

  1. a) i) Sampling method selection ii) Population definition iii) Sampling frame  development iv) Sampling unit specification v) Sample size determination  b) i) Population definition  
  2. ii) Sampling frame development  

iii) Sampling unit specification  

  1. iv) Sampling method selection  
  2. v) Sample size determination  
  3. c) i) Sampling method selection ii) Sampling unit specification iii) Sample size  determination iv)Population definition  
  4. v) Sampling frame development  
  5. d) i) Sample size determination ii) Population definition iii) Sampling frame  development  

iv)Sampling unit specification  

  1. v) Sampling method selection  

2) What are the two types of sampling methods?  

  1. a) Random or probability sampling and non-probability sampling  
  2. b) Probability sampling and random sampling  
  3. c) Probability sampling and non-random sampling  
  4. d) All of the above  

3) It is a special non-probability method used when the desired sample characteristic is rare, which  sampling  

  1. a) Panel Sampling b) Snowball sampling  
  2. c) Convenience sampling d) Purposive Sampling  

4) The university book shop selects 200 of its more than 8000 customers to participate in a study on  service quality in the shop. The book Shop has established a ________ for use in its research.  a) Population b) Field setting  

  1. c) Dependent grouping d) Sample  

5) A good sampling frame must be  

  1. a) Relevant b) Complete  
  2. c) Precise d) All of the above  

6) How many different sample of size 3 can be taken from the population comprising 5 elements? a) 7 b) 12 c) 5 d) 10  7) When sample size increases, which of the followings correct?  

  1. a) The standard error remains unchanged b) The standard error increases  c) The standard error declines d) None of the above  

8) In case the population has a normal distribution, then the sampling distribution of the mean  a) Has a mean equal to the population mean b) Has normal distribution  

  1. c) Both a and b d) None of these  

9) In which of the following sample designs, maps rather than lists or registers are used as the  sampling frame? 

  1. a) Simple random sample b) Cluster sample  
  2. c) Area Sample d) none of these  

10) Suppose that a population with N = 200 has µ = 30. What is the mean of the sampling  distribution of the mean for sample of size 40?  

  1. a) Not possible to determine as this information is inadequate  
  2. b) 40  
  3. c) 25  
  4. d) 30  

13) A sample study is a study of  

  1. a) Whole population b) Only representative items  
  2. c) 51 items d) None of these  

14) Among the following methods which is not a probability sampling method? a)  Systematic sampling b) Stratified sampling  

  1. c) Cluster sampling d) Quota sampling  

15) Among the following methods which is not the non-probability sampling method?  a) Convenient sampling b) Quota sampling  

  1. c) Judgement sampling d) Systematic sampling  

16) Which of the following is the example of random sampling techniques? a)  Taking the name of every person in a telephone book  

  1. b) Generating a list of numbers by picking numbers out of a hat and matching these  numbers to names in the telephone book  
  2. c) Taking every tenth or twentieth name from a list of everybody in the telephone book  d) All of the above  

17) Pat Robertson is running for parliament in the General Election. She needs to know the intended choices of the voters and will undertake a survey. All the voters on the  Electoral Register in her constituency would be the study’s  

  1. a) Sample b) Dependent variable  
  2. c) Population d) Independent variable  

18) What are the types of Random or probability sampling? a) Area sampling and  Judgemental sampling  

  1. b) Stratified sampling and Area sampling  
  2. c) Judgemental sampling and Quota sampling  
  3. d) Sequential sampling  

19) Greg Beck of Quality Market Research tells placement student John to go out and  select for personal interview ten men and ten women. Greg is using __________  sampling for this phase of the research.  

  1. a) Random b) Stratified c) Quota d) Area  21) When there is a significant difference between the statistic and parametric values, it means  that a) Sample statistic is representative is representative of the population parameter  b) Static value is used to approximate parameter  
  2. c) The difference is real 
  3. d) None of the above 

22) The process of selecting a number of participants for a study in such a way that they  represent the larger group from which they were selected is known as  

  1. a) Research Design b) Sampling  
  2. c) Data collection d) Random assignment  

23) If the standard error of the population is reduced by 50 per cent, the sample size becomes  a) Double b) Increase 6 times c) Increase 4 times d) None of the above 24)  Which type of sampling Mr. Weber use to draw a sample that is not biased?  a) Non-probability b) Concurrent c) Random d) None of the above  25) Which of the following is not likely to be used to stratify a sample for a study investigating the  use of a computerised algebra program?  

  1. a) Gender b) Ethnicity  
  2. c) Socio-economic status d) Number of siblings in the home  

26) Which of the following is not a random sampling technique? a)  

Purposive sampling b) Stratified Sampling  

  1. c) Cluster sampling d) Systematic sampling  

Ans:  1) b 2) a 3) b 4) d 5) d 6) d 7)c 8) c 9) c 10) d  13) b 14) d 15) b 16) b 17) c 18) b 19) c 21) c 22) b 23) c  24) c 25) d 26) a  

1) Which analysis is related with descriptive analysis?  

  1. a) Univariate Analysis b) Bivariate Analysis  
  2. c) Multivariate Analysis d) All of the above  

2) Involves the orderly and systematic representation of numerical data in a form designed to  elucidate the problem under consideration  

  1. a) Coding b) Classification  
  2. c) Editing d) Tabulation  

3) Which frequency expresses the number of items in an interval as a proportion or fraction of the  total number of items in the data set?  

  1. a) Relative frequency b) Percentage Frequency  
  2. c) Cumulative frequency d) None of the above  

4) Which steps involves in processing operations of data after collection of data?  a) Coding b) Classification  

  1. c) Editing d) Tabulation  

5) Which is type of frequency distribution?  

  1. a) Continuous or grouped frequency distribution  
  2. b) Discrete or ungrouped frequency distribution  
  3. c) Cumulative Frequency Distribution  
  4. d) All of the above 

6) One where measurements are only approximations and are expressed in class intervals ie within  certain limits is  

  1. a) Continuous Frequency Distribution  
  2. b) Discrete Frequency Distribution  
  3. c) Cumulative Frequency Distribution  
  4. d) All of these Frequency Distribution  

7) In which Graphical Representation, way of preparing a two-dimensional diagram is in the form of  circles?  

  1. a) Pie Chart b) Histogram  
  2. c) Candle Stick d) None of the above  

8) In which analysis, when there is a single measurement of each of the n sample objects or where  there are several measurements of each of the n observations but each variable is analysed in  isolation?  

  1. a) Univariate Analysis b) Bivariate Analysis  
  2. c) Multivariate Analysis d) None of these  

9) If a group of N observations is arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude, then the  middle value is called  

  1. a) Mean b) Median c) Mode d) None of these  

10) Which is the type of correlation on the basis of number of variables?  

  1. a) Positive correlation b) Multiple correlation  
  2. c) Linear Correlation d) Non-linear Correlation  

11) Which characteristics come under Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation? a) Does not tell  anything about cause-and-effect relationship  

  1. b) Independent of change of origin and scale  
  2. c) Varies between -1 and +1  
  3. d) All of the above  

12) If one knows that the yield and rainfall are closely related then one want to know the amount of  rain required to achieve a certain production. For this purpose we use analysis a)  Regression Analysis b) Coefficient of Correlation  

  1. c) Scatter Plots/Diagram d) None of these  

13) When two attributes are present or absent together in the data and actual frequency is more  than the expected frequency is called  

  1. a) Positive Association b) Negative Association  
  2. c) Independent Association d) None of these  

14) Which is not type of test of significance for small sample ?  

  1. a) t- test b) z-test c) F-test d) Q-test  15)Which test is the part of the parametric test?  
  2. a) Sign Test b) Run Test for Randomness  
  3. c) Kruskal-Willis Test d) z-test  


17) Which analysis comes under inferential analysis?  

  1. a) Univariate Analysis b) Bivariate Analysis 
  2. c) Multivariate Analysis d) Hypothesis Testing  

18) The procedure of classifying the answers to a question into meaningful categories is called  a) Coding b) Classification c) Editing d) Tabulation  

19) Which of the following constitute the essential elements of coding ?  

  1. a) Mutually exclusive b) Single Dimension c) Code Sheet d) all of these 20) Which  among the following is type of frequency?  
  2. a) Relative frequency b) Percentage frequency  
  3. c) Cumulative frequency d) All of the above  

21) A bar chart or graph showing the frequency of occurrence of each value of the variable being  analysed is called  

  1. a) Bar Chart b) Histogram  
  2. c) Candle stick d) None of these  

22) A chart is a style of bar-chart used primary to describe price movements of a security, derivative,  or currency over time is called  

  1. a) Leaf and stem b) Histogram  
  2. c) Candle Stick d) Bar chart  

23) A group of observations is the quotient obtained by dividing the sum of all the observations by  their number, is called  

  1. a) Mean b) Median c) Mode d) None of these  

24) Which analysis is the simultaneous analysis of two variables? a) Univariate Analysis  b) Bivariate Analysis  

  1. c) Multivariate Analysis d) None of these  

25) Which Statistical tool comes under Bivariate Analysis ? a) Linear Regression Analysis  b) Association of Attributes  

  1. c) Two-way ANOVA  
  2. d) All of the above  

26) The assumption of normal distribution for the variable under consideration or some assumption  for a parametric test is not valid or is doubtful then we use  

  1. a) Parametric Test  
  2. b) Non-Parametric Test  
  3. c) Both Parametric Test and Non-Parametric Test  
  4. d) All of the above  

27) What is abbreviation of ANOVA?  

  1. a) Analysis of variance b) Analysis of variation  
  2. c) Analysis of variant d) None of these  

ANS  1)d 2)d 3)a 4)c 5)d 6)a 7)a 8)a 9)b 10)b 11)d 12)a 13)a 14)d 15)d 16)b 17)d 18)a  19)d 20)d  

21)b 22)c 23)a 24)b 25)d 26)b 27)a 

Business Research Methods – MCQs   Read More »

RDA and AACR Difference

RDA Refresher Performance Support:
What is Different from AACR2?

With the implementation of RDA, some cataloging practices have changed. The Library of
Congress generally does not retrospectively revise records created using earlier codes; they were
correct according to rules in force at the time.

RDA and AACR Difference Read More »

Important MCQS for Test Seris. No.4

  1. Conference proceedings are considered as………………documents.

(A) Conventional

(B) Primary

(C) Secondary

(D) Tertiary

  1. Rules for dictionary catalogue were devised by :

(A) A. Pannizzi

(B) C. C. Jewet

(C) S. Lubetzky

(D) C. A. Cutter

  1. RSS feed is a tool of :

(A) Graphic design

(B) Web 1.0

(C)Web 2.0

(D) Architecture

  1. An appropriate source to find out descriptive information is……………. .

(A) Bibliography

(B) Directory

(C) Encyclopedia

(D) Dictionary

  1. Glossary is a :

(A) List of technical words with definitions

(B) List of words in a language

(C) List of thematically arranged words

(D) Alphabetical index to passages of work

  1. One of the following search engine is exclusively meant for scientific information :

(A) Google

(B) Yahoo


(D) Altavista

Who among the following honoured with ‘Nobel Prize’ for his substantial contribution in

Documentation ?

(A) S. C. Bradford

(B) Loosjes

(C) Eric De Grolier

(D) Henri La Fontaine

  1. GUI stands for :

(A) Graphic User Interface

(B) Graphic User Interaction

(C) Graphic Utility Interface

(D) Great Union of India

  1. Shelf list facilitates……………. .

(A) Classification

(B) Weeding out

(C) Stock verification

(D) Documentation

  1. Questionnaire is a :

(A) Research method

(B) Measurement technique

(C) Tool for data collection

(D) Data analysis technique

  1. “Controlled Group” is a term used in………….. .

(A) Survey research

(B) Historical research

(C) Experimental research

(D) Descriptive research

  1. IFLA took up the “Universal Availability of Publication” program in the year…………… .

(A) 1973

(B) 1976

(C) 1972

(D) 1970

  1. International Information System on Research in Documentation (ISORID) was

established by :





  1. What is the relationship between ISBD and cataloguing codes ?

(A) They are not related at all

(B) Cataloguing codes will include bibliographic description

(C) ISBD includes cataloguing rules

(D) ISBD can replace cataloguing rules

  1. Tagging in web 2.0 application is called :

(A) Taxonomy

(B) Folksonomy

(C) Syndication

(D) Directory

  1. “Fair use” is a term most relevant to :

(A) Intellectual Property Right

(B) Books borrowed for home reading

(C) Copyright

(D) Use of reference books

  1. The oldest and the largest Library Association in the world is…………. .


(B) LA



  1. Which of the following is not covered under Intellectual Property Rights ?

(A) Copyrights

(B) Patents

(C) Trade Marks

(D) Thesaurus

  1. Ontology is…………….. .

(A) An Indexing Method

(B) Classification of Internet based documents

(C) Cataloguing of Internet based documents

(D) Documentation service

  1. Mozilla is……………. .

(A) An operating system

(B) Library software

(C) A web browser

(D) A search engine

  1. A. B. Maslow is related to

(A) Theory X and Theory Y

(B) Hierarchy of human needs

(C) 14 principles

(D) Hygienic factors.

  1. Information may be categorised into

(A) logical, analytical and statistical

(B) statistical, descriptive and analytical

(C) analytical, statistical and systematic

(D) systematic, analytical and descriptive.

  1. IIA founded in U.S.A. in 1968 stands for

(A) Integrated Industry Association

(B) Information Industry Association

(C) Integrated Illiteracy eradication Association

(D) Institute of Information Association.

  1. BSO in classification stands for

(A) Basic Subject of Organisation

(B) Broad Subject Ordering

(C) Bibliography of Subject Ordering

(D) Bibliographic Subject Organisation.

  1. The concept of Selective Dissemination of Information ( SDI ) was introduced by

(A) Kaiser

(B) Luhn of IBM

(C) S. R. Ranganathan

(D) Derek Austin.

  1. The book ‘Library Administration’ was brought out by Ranganathan in

(A) 1925

(B) 1933

(C) 1931

(D) 1935.

  1. ‘Fair use’ is the norm for determining the legality of

(A) producing the second edition of a book

(B) photocopying an entire book

(C) making available a book to another library on inter-library loan

(D) prescribing a book as a text book.

  1. The marketing concepts in Library Service include

(A) analysis, planning, implementation and control

(B) advertising, planning, analysis and control

(C) distribution, control, analysis, implementation

(D) indexing, planning, control and implementation.

  1. The first centre to use computer in the library and information activities in India is




(D) UGC.

  1. LA is the Library Association of

(A) Manipur

(B) Andhra Pradesh

(C) Great Britain

(Dl Canada.

  1. Who is regarded as father of bibliography ?

(A) Paul Otlet

(B) Conrad Gesner

(C) J. C. Brunet

(D) A. C. Fosket.

  1. ISBN changed from 10 digits to 13 from

(A) January, 2007

(B) January, 2008

(C) January, 2006

(D) January, 2005

  1. Linux is an example of

(A) Application software

(B) System software

(C) Library software

(D) All of the above

  1. UNIMARC was developed under the umbrella of




(D) None of the above

Important MCQS for Test Seris. No.4 Read More »

MCQS LIS. Seris No.3

  1. Anassessment is __________ if it consistently achieves the same results with the same students.
    1. Valid
    2. Invalid
    3. Reliable
    4. Unreliable


  1. A/An __________ assessment is one which measures what it is intended to measure.
    1. Valid
    2. Invalid
    3. Reliable
    4. Unreliable


  1. The use of technology to enhance learning process is called __________ in education.
    1. IT
    2. ICT
    3. Information technology
    4. Communication technology


  1. Anassessment that measures a student’s current knowledge for the purpose of assigning a suitable course is called?
    1. Diagnostic assessment
    2. Formative assessment
    3. Summative assessment
    4. Contemporary assessment


  1. An assessment that is generally carried out throughout a course is called?
    1. Diagnostic assessment
    2. Formative assessment
    3. Summative assessment
    4. Contemporary assessment


  1. An assessment that is generally carried out at the end of a course to assign students a course grade is called?
    1. Diagnostic assessment
    2. Formative assessment
    3. Summative assessment
    4. Contemporary assessment


  1. Which from the following is NOT a formal assessment?
    1. Assignment
    2. Paper
    3. Quiz
    4. Discussion


  1. Which from the following is NOT an informal assessment?
    1. Assignment
    2. Observation
    3. Rating scales
    4. Discussion


  1. According toJohn Dewey, the teacher should guide students the way of the knowledge as a __________ in learning process.
    1. facilitator
    2. guider
    3. philosopher
    4. partner


  1. The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactics was?
    1. Jean Piaget
    2. John Dewey
    3. Martin Wagenschein
    4. Lev Vygotsky



  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C



  1. Which philosopher gave the idea that education should be based on the principles of human development?
    1. Dewey
    2. Watson
    3. Rousseau
    4. Thorndike


  1. Who introduced the theory of empiricism?
    1. J. O’Connor
    2. John Dewey
    3. William James
    4. John Locke


  1. Who gave the Totality Conscious Ideas?
    1. Jean Piaget
    2. Herbert Spencer
    3. Hill Gard
    4. Woodworth


  1. Who wrote the book “Emile”?
    1. William Stern
    2. John Locke
    3. Rousseau
    4. Thorndike


  1. Which philosopher compiled Kindergarten education system?
    1. Friedrich Frobel
    2. Herbert Spencer
    3. John Locke
    4. J. O’Connor


  1. When was the book “Child Development for early childhood studies” published for the first time?
    1. 1893
    2. 1895
    3. 1897
    4. 1899


  1. Which educator gave the idea of Behaviorism in education system?
    1. John Locke
    2. Thorndike
    3. Herbert Spencer
    4. Watson


  1. At the beginning of the nineteenth century whose focus was the study of the development of the mind?
    1. Jean Piaget
    2. William James
    3. Hill Gard
    4. William Stern


  1. Who had devised the term IQ (Intelligence Quotient)?
    1. William James
    2. William Stern
    3. John Locke
    4. John Dewey


  1. Bert called the intelligence to ………
    1. Nature
    2. Jeans
    3. Innate
    4. Health


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C




  1. Which educator presents ”Law of Reediness, Law of Exercise and Law of Effect”?
    1. Hill Gard
    2. Thorndike
    3. Spencer
    4. Rousseau


  1. Who said that “These situations are mental evolutions that are aspects of conflict and anxiety.”?
    1. Hill Gard
    2. Watson
    3. Jean Piaget
    4. Ralph Tyler


  1. Formal education or school training represent ………
    1. Learner programs of study
    2. Planned programs of study
    3. Collective programs of study
    4. Basic programs of study


  1. In childhood which conditions are favorable for improving of skills and knowledge begun in ………..?
    1. Home
    2. Library
    3. Mosque
    4. Park


  1. From the given below which is most suitable for the study of human behaviour?
    1. Humanism
    2. Naturalism
    3. Psychology
    4. Sociality


  1. Education ……… explains the gaining experience from birth through old age.
    1. Training
    2. Philosophy
    3. Programmer
    4. Psychology


  1. Who are usually responsible for conducting classroom and laboratory learning studies which are carefully planned?
    1. School’s Principal
    2. District Education Officer
    3. Psychologists of Education
    4. School Teachers


  1. Psychologists are agreed that education implies can be regarded as …….?
    1. Process
    2. Product
    3. Both Process & Product
    4. None of these


  1. In19th century European psychologists devoted best attention to studies dealing with …… Imagery.
    1. Mental
    2. Physical
    3. Individual
    4. Social


  1. Which psychologists introduced the application of scientifically evolved principles and theories of learning in education system?
    1. Chinese
    2. American
    3. Germen
    4. British


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B



  1. At the end of 19th century, which philosopher formulated laws of learning as a result of his experiments with animals?
    1. Hill Gard
    2. Watson
    3. Edward Thorndike
    4. John Dewey


  1. Successful educational practices evolve from the application of …….. Methods.
    1. Analog
    2. Scientific
    3. Virtual
    4. Technical


  1. By Genetic method of studying human development can be utilized ………
    1. Horizontal
    2. Vertical
    3. Both Horizontal and vertical
    4. None of these


  1. The …….. method is very useful in some areas of investigation.
    1. Critical
    2. Observation
    3. Dialogue
    4. Questionnaire


  1. Skilled interviewer can discover many ……. about the person interviewed.
    1. Feature
    2. Values
    3. Facts
    4. Background


  1. ……….. includes data concerning family background and educational development.
    1. Case study
    2. General behavior
    3. Genetic approach
    4. Adequacy


  1. Psychological experiment is used to test concerning human …….
    1. Nature
    2. Behavior
    3. Education
    4. Problems


  1. Method of research is …….. method of conducted experimentation probably.
    1. Exact
    2. Refined
    3. Both Exact and Refined
    4. None of these


  1. According to human factor, individuals may vary from ……. to day in their performance.
    1. Day
    2. Week
    3. Year
    4. Month


  1. For study purposes, the members of a group of young people can be differ among themselves in habits ……..
    1. Abilities
    2. Interests
    3. Both Abilities and Interests
    4. None of these


  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C







  1. Teacher are closely associated with the …… process.
    1. Study
    2. Learning
    3. Evaluation
    4. Observing


  1. The teacher can provide the kind of stimulation to enable the child to become …… learner.
    1. Quality
    2. Social
    3. Interesting
    4. Active


  1. Children should be given an opportunity to …… the democratic way of life in school.
    1. Learn
    2. Experience
    3. Understand
    4. Knowing


  1. The value of satisfaction in …… is emphasizes by the psychologist now a days.
    1. Learning
    2. Education
    3. Management
    4. Environment


  1. For growth of children some parents and teachers were over concerned about providing …….. conditions.
    1. Certain
    2. Fundamentally
    3. Powerful
    4. Healthful


  1. A teacher should have an intelligence quotient of ……
    1. 120
    2. 125
    3. 130
    4. 135


  1. When a teacher is certified to teach it doesn’t mean his ……. is completed.
    1. Learning
    2. Education
    3. Training
    4. Planning


  1. Who said that “a single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia”?
    1. Sir John Shore
    2. Sir Alured Clarke
    3. Lord Macaulary
    4. Sir George Barlow


  1. Which is the medium of instruction at primary level in Pakistan?
    1. Provincial language / Urdu
    2. Urdu
    3. English
    4. Provincial language / English


  1. Approximately 35 working weeks in a year at …….
    1. Primary Level
    2. Secondary Level
    3. Both Primary and Secondary Levels
    4. None of these



  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C



  1. In 1974 University Grants Commission was established in __________
    1. Peshawar
    2. Karachi
    3. Lahore
    4. Islamabad


  1. The University Grants Commission has started training programme for teachers of __________
    1. Degree Colleges
    2. Universities
    3. Both Degree Colleges and universities
    4. Schools


  1. In the organization of the school the basic determining factor is the __________ of the school.
    1. Curriculum
    2. Management
    3. Social life
    4. Trainers


  1. The curriculum should be __________ on cooperative basis.
    1. Planned
    2. Formulated
    3. Managed
    4. Contributed


  1. The staff should examine the programme continuously with the __________ of the principal.
    1. Administration
    2. Supporting
    3. Helping
    4. Leadership


  1. Pakistan Studies was made a __________ subject for Classes X, XII and XIV.
    1. Optional
    2. Elective
    3. Basic
    4. Compulsory


  1. The __________ Universities and Colleges were organized a number of programmes for teacher training for the teaching of __________
    1. Science
    2. Education
    3. Agriculture
    4. Geology


  1. The scientific development in various fields is brought forward for advising the government by the National __________
    1. Committees
    2. Institutions
    3. Organizations
    4. Academies


  1. Technical Education was __________ from the Universities and Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education were established.
    1. Separated
    2. Joined
    3. Merge
    4. None of these


  1. Education Bureaus were attached to the education departments in the __________
    1. Cities
    2. Town
    3. Countries
    4. Provinces



  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. D






  1. At the time of partition in 1947, there were __________ colleges in working.
    1. 40
    2. 45
    3. 50
    4. 55


  1. At the time of partition in 1947, there were __________ universities in working.
    1. 5
    2. 4
    3. 3
    4. 2


  1. President of Pakistan is the __________ in case of Federal Universities.
    1. Administrator
    2. Chancellor
    3. Rector
    4. Incharge


  1. Vice-Chancellor shall preside at the __________ of the university in the absence of the Chancellor.
    1. Result
    2. Annual day
    3. Meeting
    4. Convocation


  1. A quantitative description of experienced data is __________ a measurement.
    1. Simply
    2. Particularly
    3. Individually
    4. None of these


  1. Community health agencies should recognize the importance of the __________ aspect of education.
    1. Learning
    2. Physical
    3. Virtual
    4. Healthy


  1. In our schools and colleges, evaluation of individual readiness for further learning is becoming a common __________
    1. Problem
    2. Procedure
    3. Practice
    4. Agenda


  1. A nervous or shy child cannot obtain the benefit from his __________ experiences.
    1. Personal
    2. Learning
    3. Social
    4. None of these


  1. Learning to read is a complex __________
    1. Procedure
    2. Phenomenon
    3. Activity
    4. Behavior


  1. The obtaining of thought from the written material can be possible through silent __________
    1. Reading
    2. Planning
    3. Practice
    4. Learning



  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A



  1. A successful practice is the real test of __________ achievement.
    1. Teacher
    2. Principal
    3. Learning
    4. Evaluation


  1. It is openly observed that __________ involves much more than measurement.
    1. Government
    2. Environment
    3. Learning
    4. Evaluation


  1. Motivation is the __________ purpose of evaluation.
    1. Basic
    2. Primary
    3. Optional
    4. Individual


  1. Primary purpose of evaluation is to provide a basis for curriculum __________
    1. Revision
    2. Improvement
    3. Both Revision and Improvement
    4. None of these


  1. Environments should be main focus in the case of __________
    1. Learning
    2. Institutes
    3. Training
    4. Teaching


  1. It is __________ exercise for complete evaluation of institutions.
    1. Time consuming
    2. Costly
    3. Both costly and time consuming
    4. None of these


  1. Webster __________ evaluation as “examining and judging the worth quality, significance, amount, degree or condition of something.”
    1. Defined
    2. Described
    3. Present
    4. None of these


  1. __________ defined evaluation as “a process of delineating, obtaining and providing useful information for judging decision alternatives.”
    1. Webster
    2. Cronbach
    3. Stufflebeam
    4. Kaufman


  1. In educational research, how many styles that are used?
    1. 7
    2. 6
    3. 5
    4. 4


  1. The other main __________ is that education is a human activity.
    1. Assumption
    2. Concepts
    3. Method
    4. Philosophy



  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A







  1. Which city of Pakistan is called “City of Colleges”?
    1. Peshawar
    2. Karachi
    3. Lahore
    4. Islamabad


  1. Reciting of the national anthem made compulsory in high schools in __________
    1. May,09, 1957
    2. June,09, 1957
    3. July,09, 1957
    4. August,09, 1957


  1. At the time of partition in 1947, there were __________ primary schools in working.
    1. 8413
    2. 9256
    3. 7687
    4. 6567


  1. At the time of partition in 1947, there were __________ technical schools in working.
    1. 30
    2. 35
    3. 40
    4. 45


  1. In 1997 how many male teachers were working in Pakistan?
    1. 48676
    2. 49080
    3. 51090
    4. 53427


  1. Who became Vice-Chancellor of The Punjab University after partition?
    1. Sultan Bukhari
    2. Shameem Hanfi
    3. Umer Hayat Malik
    4. Abdullah Khan


  1. Who was the first female Vice-Chancellor of Pakistan?
    1. Naghmana Ali
    2. Kaneez Yousaf
    3. Memmona Bibi
    4. Attia Rehman


  1. Who introduced the term mental tests?
    1. Jean Piaget
    2. Cattell
    3. Rousseau
    4. Thorndike


  1. The famous educational psychologist Alfred Binet was __________
    1. French
    2. German
    3. Russian
    4. American


  1. The famous educational psychologist Terman was __________
    1. French
    2. German
    3. Russian
    4. American



  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. A
  10. D



  1. An attitude of fair-minded appreciation of its value can be obtained through a consideration of mental __________
    1. Evaluation
    2. Behavior
    3. Measurement
    4. Consideration


  1. The first Binet-Simon test appeared with revisions in 1908 and __________
    1. 1911
    2. 1912
    3. 1913
    4. 1914


  1. In America during World War I , the testing of the intelligence of individuals began in __________
    1. Experience
    2. As a whole
    3. Combinations
    4. Groups


  1. Which test represents the tests of abstract intelligence?
    1. Language
    2. Percentage
    3. Leadership
    4. Measurement


  1. In 1854, which philosopher set up laboratory to measure human characteristics?
    1. J. O’Connor
    2. John Dewey
    3. Galton
    4. Woodworth


  1. Whose statement was “Guidance is the direct relation with a person in whom he is taught to adjust with society.”?
    1. Machdonial
    2. John Locke
    3. Rousseau
    4. Thorndike


  1. Mother is the __________ academy of a child.
    1. Social
    2. Natural
    3. Optional
    4. First


  1. Society, Family, Radio and Television are the main __________ of informal education.
    1. Centre
    2. Source
    3. Material
    4. None of these


  1. Realistic Education system supports the __________ progress.
    1. Natural
    2. Social
    3. Scientific
    4. Technical


  1. To read the lesson before teaching it is called __________
    1. Measurement
    2. Teaching practice
    3. Preparation
    4. Lesson plan



  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D


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