In the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, memory aids are tools that are used to help users remember and understand the decimal numbering system and the meaning and content of each class, category, and subcategory. There are several types of memory aids that are used in the DDC system, including:
- Captions: Captions are short phrases or descriptions that are used to summarize the content and meaning of each class, category, and subcategory in the DDC system. They are typically located above or below the decimal number that represents the class, category, or subcategory, and they provide a brief overview of the topic or theme that is covered within that class, category, or subcategory.
- Notation schedules: Notation schedules are lists of terms or phrases that are used to represent specific topics or themes within the DDC system. They are organized by decimal number, and they provide detailed information about the content and meaning of each class, category, and subcategory.
- Relative indices: Relative indices are lists of terms or phrases that are related to specific topics or themes within the DDC system, along with the corresponding decimal numbers that represent those topics or themes. They are typically organized alphabetically, and they are used to help users locate specific topics or themes within the classification system.
Overall, memory aids are an important part of the DDC system, as they provide users with the information they need to understand and use the classification system effectively.