

Microform is a general term that refers to any medium that is used to store information in a reduced format. This can include microfilm, microfiche, and other types of media. Microforms are often used to store large amounts of information in a small space and are commonly used to preserve historical documents or to create a permanent record of important documents.

Microfilm is a type of microform that consists of a film strip on which small photographs of documents are recorded. Microfiche is a type of microform that consists of a flat sheet of film on which small photographs of documents are recorded. Both microfilm and microfiche can be used to produce copies of the original documents, which can be viewed using a microform reader.

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Microfilmمائیکرو فلم

Microfilm is a film on which small photographs of documents are recorded, usually at a reduction in size. The microfilm can then be used to produce copies of the original documents, which can be viewed using a microfilm reader. Microfilming is often used to preserve historical documents or to create a permanent record of important documents, as film is more durable than paper. Microfilm is also used to store large numbers of documents in a smaller space, as the reduced size allows more documents to be stored in a given area.

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