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In how many languages are book published in Pakistan?پاکستان میں کتنی زبانوں میں کتابیں شائع ہوتی ہیں؟

Pakistan is a multilingual country with a population that speaks a variety of languages. According to the 2017 Census of Pakistan, there are over 17 languages spoken in the country, including Urdu, English, Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, and Balochi.

Books are published in many of these languages in Pakistan, with the most common languages being Urdu and English. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan and is spoken by a large portion of the population, while English is also widely spoken and used in education and business. Books in other languages, such as Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, and Balochi, are also published in Pakistan, although they may not be as widely available as books in Urdu and English.

In addition to books in Pakistani languages, books in other languages are also available in Pakistan, as the country has a diverse and vibrant book market. Books in foreign languages, such as Arabic, French, and German, can often be found in large bookstores and libraries in major cities.

In how many languages are book published in Pakistan?پاکستان میں کتنی زبانوں میں کتابیں شائع ہوتی ہیں؟ Read More »

Enquiries desk انکوائری ڈیسک

The enquiries desk (previously known as the lending desk) is a desk or counter at a library where users can ask questions, get help with finding materials, and request services such as borrowing books or using computers. It is typically staffed by librarians or other library staff who are trained to assist patrons with their research and information needs. The enquiries desk is often the first point of contact for users when they enter the library, and it is typically located in a prominent place in the library. At some libraries, the enquiries desk is also known as the circulation desk, as it is often responsible for managing the circulation of materials, such as lending books to patrons and managing reservations and holds.

Enquiries desk انکوائری ڈیسک Read More »